Battle Training #3 — Liquidity Drainer

Shartan Inu
3 min readApr 13, 2022

Today’s training is about liquidity drainers.
These are projects that, even though they allow you to buy and sell their token, they have left a back door in order to drain liquidity.

Let’s look at CINU example. If you are on dextools click on the contract (1):

Then click on the contract address (2):

You can see that they have Renounced Ownership, which is seen as a very legit move, as well as calling the lock liquidity function. But if you click on the Lock Liquidity Txn Hash (3) you will have a Big Surprise!

Click on “See More” (4) and you’ll see the lockliquidity() function. But we will show you that this is just a Fake name! Yes, Fake! The liquidity has not been locked! Click on the contract (5).

Click on the contract tab (6) and search for the function “lockliquidity()” (7). This function can be called from the Tax wallet even though they have renounced ownership from the owner wallet. Instead of locking liquidity it is used to Drain Liquidity!!

So, be very wary if you see this kind of code structure for the lock liquidity function. It is a very big Red Flag! Although it can be written in different ways, if it looks similar to this, ask questions to the Devs!

Stay tuned for more battle training episodes.
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Until next time, stay safe ;)

Or in our Shartan words: SPEAR & SHIELD!



Shartan Inu

KARMA is a Doge, ruggers get REKT! A step towards Anti-rug and Safe Crypto.