Battle Training #1 - Remove Liquidity

Shartan Inu
3 min readApr 10, 2022

When investing in a new project, the simpliest check you can do is checking if previous projects from the same Dev had rugged before by removing liquidity.

Let’s see an example of a project: World.
If you are on Dextools, click the contract button (1):

Or, if you already are on Etherscan, search for the project’s contract (2) and click on the Token link (3).

The function we are looking for is the “Remove Liquidity”. If this project has already removed liquidity ask the Dev why before buying. If not, go to the last page (4), because we are looking for the wallet that added liquidity to the contract.

Basically, if this was a newly launched contract the only 2 transfers that you could see on Etherscan would be the ones in Orange:
- Contact Creating;
- Add Liquidity ETH

There would be no more info about this project, so, how do you know if the Dev is going to Rug? Click on the Wallet that added liquidity (5).

Click on the Wallet again (6) or search for it in the search bar.

Look for the Wallet that has the “IN” transfer and funded the project; click on it (7) (It’s usually at the botton, but not always).

Click to see all transations, and, if you don’t see any “Remove liquidity” function, go another step deeper and check the wallet that funded this one (8).

And there you go!
You can see that this Dev had already Rugged by Removing Liquidity from Previous Projects.
Ask him why before buying into any project!

Don’t get caught in this kind of scams which you can easily avoid by spending just a couple of minutes digging up the etherscan. Stay tuned for more battle training episodes. If you are a visual person you can see the same content on our Youtube channel:

We are creating an uprising against scams and rug pulls. Want to know what we are all about? Come check us out inside our Telegram Group:

Until next time, stay safe ;)

Or in our Shartan words: SPEAR & SHIELD!



Shartan Inu

KARMA is a Doge, ruggers get REKT! A step towards Anti-rug and Safe Crypto.